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Mara Ferrario

Mara Ferrario (1972), MBA, joined Van Berings as a General Manager in 2017, after having been active for years as F&A Officer, Insurance and Securities Broker and Chartered Financial Consultant (Motori Perkins, Baker & McKenzie, Alleanza Assicurazioni, Simgenia SIM).

Practice Focus


Mara Ferrario has a deep knowledge and experience in most CAO functions and advises domestic clients – also on an interim management basis - on a wide array of budgeting, credit, insurance, tax, and company treasury issues, ensuring that all ledger accounts, financial statements and cost control systems are operating effectively.

She helps clients staying ahead of new financial reporting requirements by providing detailed knowledge of the upcoming changes in accounting and reporting requirements along with industry-focused leading practices.


Mara Ferrario focuses on domestic taxation, counselling domestic and international clients on capitalization issues, tax accounting issues, depreciation, accounting method and tax period changes, and compliance with information reporting and withholding rules, VAT and custom duties.


Mara Ferrario has substantial transactional involvement in various industries, including “Manufacturing & Industrial”, “Fashion & Luxury” and “Chemical”.


  • Chartered Financial Consultant (CONSOB 16235/2017)


  • University of Varese - School of Economics (Varese - Italy) (MBA) (2000)


  • English
  • Italian

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